Jessop Medical Practice

Greenhill Lane, Leabrooks, Alfreton, DE55 1LU

Telephone: 01773 602707

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Church Farm Primary Care Centre, Steeple Drive, Ripley, DE5 3TH | Telephone: 01773 602707


Dr Joanna Blyth (f) Partner
BmedSci BM BS Nottingham 1989 MRCGP CertMedEd

Dr Andrew Mott (m) Partner
MB ChB Sheffield 1999 DRCOG DFFP MRCGP DipPallMed CertMedEd

Dr Li Chung (f) Partner
MB ChB 2009 Leicester

Dr Samantha Embleton (f) Partner
BM BS 2007 Nottingham

Dr Sess Sibanda (m) Partner
MBChB (Manchester 2007) MRCGP

Dr Eileen Parrott (f)
BMedSci BMBS (Nottingham 2006) DRCOG DFSRH MRCGP

Dr Melanie Tetley (f)
MBChB Birmingham 2006, DRCOG, MRCGP

Dr Fatima Zafar (f)
MBBS, MRCGP Norwich 2016

Dr Robert Dennes (m)
BM BS 2015 Nottingham

Dr Helen Ross (f)
MB BS 2017 The University of Hull and the University of York

Dr Farah Ahmed (f)
MB, BS 2012 University of East Anglia

Dr Joanna Kirkham (f)
MB Chb 2014 University of Birmingham

Dr Sarah Moreman (f)
MB Chb 2015 University of Leicester

Dr Sagheer Hanif (m) - GP Registrar

Dr Kapil Jangid (m) - GP Registrar

Dr Myles Neary (m) - GP Registrar

Dr Huda Ali (f) - GP Registrar

Advanced Clinical Practitioners

Advanced Clinical Practitioners are clinicians who undergo advanced training. They can do most things that a GP can. They are qualified, within their scope of practice, to diagnose medical problems, order treatments, prescribe medications and make referrals for a wide range of acute and chronic medical conditions

Deborah Pearson
Advanced Care Practitioner (f)

Nurse Practitioners

NPs are also able to treat patients who are above the age of 1 with a range of acute minor illnesses and musculoskeletal related concerns. They have undertaken advanced training which allows them to assess, diagnose, prescribe, investigate or refer when required. They do not routinely deal with chronic ongoing issues or pregnancy related concerns.

Marie Adams
Nurse Practitioner (f)

Practice Nurses

Sarah Hubball - Lead Nurse (f)

Donna Turner - Practice Nurse (f)

Sophie Armitage - Practice Nurse/Trainee Nurse Practitioner (f)

Kim Clover - Practice Nurse (f)

Molly Sanders - Practice Nurse (f)

Healthcare Assistants

Debi Beresford - Health Care Assistant (f)

Michelle Brough - Health Care Assistant (f)

Summer Wright - Trainee Nurse Associate (f)

Pharmacy Technician

Mrs Angel Slaney (f)

Practice Management

Mrs Alayna Cresswell (f) - Practice Manager

Mrs Collette Crompton (f) - Assistant Manager

Mrs Laura Allen (f) - Reception Supervisor

Miss Michelle Love (f) - Admin Supervisor

Administrative Team

We have a team of Medical Secretaries, Administrators and a Note summariser.

Reception Team

We have a large team of receptionists who aim to assist with patient queries and navigate you to the most appropriate service.

Attached Staff

Alison Goodrum (f)
Care Coordinator

Leabrooks / Ripley Surgery

  • Monday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
  • Tuesday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
  • Wednesday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
  • Thursday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
  • Friday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
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